Content Producer and new media guru Andrew Knight spoke to journalism students at George Mason University on Thursday, March 28 about the Storify platform. Journalism Program Coordinator Steve Klein brought Knight to campus to help his students better understand how to fully utilize the medium, and answer any questions about complications. I had never used […]
This round begins my turn to be the Writer/Editor. I’m still doing a lot of research because my story is going to involve a lot of different information and sources (we are going to be writing about the I-95 HOT lanes). The reporting/researching portion of this story, I suspect, will be the hardest. However, it’s […]
Kevin Goldberg’s presentation on “The 7 Deadly Sins” of journalism really floored me. Who knew that words such as allegedly could be used incorrectly?! I was surprised to learn how doubling checking every word and implication is of the utmost importance when writing stories. Goldberg also surprised me when he discussed the over-use of the Fair Use act […]
I am the multimedia editor for the first story Transporters Fairfax is working on. We are working on a story about Campus Drive, a new road that’s being built at GMU to connect the main campus with West Campus’ parking lot. During my research, I’ve found that the most useful tools for me can be […]